Writing Instruction

Writing Instruction

Make Every Word Count

Make Every Word Count (Writer’s Digest Books; Crossroad Press)

  • Hardcover
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For fiction and nonfiction this is a “go-to” bible for writing that works. Have fun learning what you simply must know about style, tone, intention, characterization, credibility, description, dialogue, viewpoint, and oh-so much more. Timeless!

100 Ways to Improve Your Writing

100 Ways To Improve Your Writing (New American Library / Penguin)

Proven Professional Techniques for Writing with Style and Power

  • Paperback
  • Kindle

A complete course in writing — for anyone who writes—whether student, business person, or professional writer. Since its 1985 publication, this easy-to-use gem continues to be a treasured handbook. Filled with professional tips and a wealth of instructive examples. Designed for both instant reference and cover-to-cover reading.

How To Tell a Story

How to Tell a Story: The Secrets of Writing Captivating Tales (Writer's Digest Books; Crossroad Press)

  • Hardcover
  • Kindle

Through advice, exercises, and an outstanding array of examples, you’ll learn to create gripping narratives powered by strong characters. Discover secrets of sequencing, weaving subplots into rich stories, manipulating story pace to increase conflict, tension, and surprise. And so much more!

Beyond Style

Beyond Style: Mastering the Finer Points of Writing (Writer's Digest Books; Crossroad Press)

Mastering the Finer Points of Writing

  • Paperback
  • Kindle

Here you'll touch the soul of fine fiction and nonfiction, exploring intangible concepts simplified by Gary. “A crystallization of Gary’s philosophy and wisdom, made practical.” — WD Books. And when paired with Make Every Word Count, you’ll have the secrets of writing like a pro.

The Freelance Writer's Handbook

The Freelance Writer's Handbook (NAL/Penguin; Crossroad Press)

  • Hardcover
  • Paperback
  • Kindle

This is the little nugget that a NY literary agent urged Gary to write for freelancers back in the 80s. A wealth of timeless advice, stylistic wisdom and information remains, despite the evolution of the industry, for those considering a career in the writing profession.

How to Write and Sell True Crime

How to Write and Sell True Crime (Writer's Digest Books; Crossroad Press)

  • Hardcover
  • Kindle

THE book that takes you step-by-step through the process of crafting your true dramatic story into compelling, publishable shape for commercial success.

Make Your Words Work

Make Your Words Work (Writer's Digest Books; Author's Guild Back In Print; Crossroad Press)

Proven Techniques for Effective Writing-For Fiction and Nonfiction

  • Hardcover
  • Paperback

The editors at WD Books asked Gary to combine the content of his top-selling Make Every Word Count and Beyond Style into a single comprehensive volume. This is it.

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